Version 5.x and higher of Identity Panel uses Elasticsearch version 7.x as a full-text indexing service. The following guide may be used to prepare for a clean installation of Identity Panel or as part of upgrading to 5.x
Elasticsearch requires Java, and supports Oracle Java and OpenJDK. Elasticsearch is bundled with OpenJDK, but it is also possible to run against a separate JDK installation.
Elasticsearch 7.16 or higher (within the 7.x major version) is strongly recommended as this includes the remediation for the log4j vulnerability.
Install and configure OpenJDK (optional)
- Download OpenJDK from
- Unblock (if necessary) and extract the zip file
- Open System Environment Variables and add (or update) the JAVA_HOME variable pointing to the extracted jdk-13* folder
Install Elasticsearch
- Download a 7.x release of Elasticsearch. Choose the Windows download
- Right click on the downloaded zip, choose properties, and unblock it if necessary.
- Create a folder in a suitable location (e.g. C:\Program Files\SoftwareIDM\Elastic), and extract the downloaded zip archive:
Optional: edit configuration to provide custom data and log paths
- Edit \elasticsearch-8.x\config\elasticsearch.yml
- Un-comment and path.logs and revise as needed
- Validate the java runtime accessibility and configuration by running
- Install Service
- Open an administrative command prompt in the extracted location's bin folder, e.g. C:\Program Files\SoftwareIDM\Elastic\elasticsearch-8.x.x\bin\
- Run:
elasticsearch-service.bat install <custom service name e.g. SoftwareIDM.ElasticSearch>
Optional: You may change the service display name so that it sorts close to the Identity Panel web maintenance service:
sc config <custom service name> displayName= "SoftwareIDM Elastic"
- Change the service to autostart:
sc config <custom service name> start= auto
- Start the service:
net start <custom service name>
- Validate the Elastic search configuration by browsing to http://localhost:9200/
If the service fails to start and writes "Missing service ImageFile" in the Elastic.yyyy-mm-dd.txt log, the Java environment may be missing or incorrectly configured. Ensure Java is installed and the JAVA_HOME variable is present as per the Install and configure OpenJDK section above.
Further reading
- Setup Overview:
- Installing on Windows:
- Downloads (Past Releases: choose a 8.x version):
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