Uninstalling Identity Panel requires the following steps:
NOTE: all sample commands must be performed from an administrative prompt.
- Stop SoftwareIDM Web Maintenance and SoftwareIDM.ElasticSearch services
(NOTE: SoftwareIDM.ElasticSearch may not be present with version 5.0 and newer)
net stop SoftwareIDM.WebAgent
net stop SoftwareIDM.ElasticSearch
- Remove Windows Services:
sc delete SoftwareIDM.WebAgent
sc delete SoftwareIDM.ElasticSearch
- If Panel Service is installed:
- Stop the service:
net stop SoftwareIDM.PanelService
- Remove the service:
sc delete SoftwareIDM.PanelService
- If present, uninstall the Identity Panel Tools package in Add or Remove programs
- Stop the service:
- Stop Identity Panel virtual directory
- If running a version older than 5.0 open Add/Remove programs and uninstall Identity Panel Web
- Remove installation directory contents (following assumes default install locations):
- Delete Web folder (contains application dlls, config files, log files etc.)
- Delete Elastic folder
- IMPORTANT: Do NOT delete MongoDB and VersionControl folders unless you want to remove all historical Identity Panel data. If uninstalling as part of an upgrade, leave these folders in place.
- For full removal delete IdentityPanelWeb folder
- Go back to IIS and delete Sites/IdentityPanel (version 5.0 and higher)
- Go to Application pools and delete IdentityPanelPool application pool (version 5.0 and higher)
Removing MongoDB Service
IMPORTANT: If uninstalling as part of upgrading from version 4.x to version 5.x of Identity Panel, and you previously upgraded from version 3.x, ensure your current MongoDB version is at least 3.6 (viewable in Add or Remove Programs)
And that your database compatibility setting is also 3.6:
Navigate to your MongoDB bin folder, open a command prompt, and run mongo.exe
To view the current compatibility version run:
db.adminCommand( { getParameter: 1, featureCompatibilityVersion: 1 } )
To change to 3.6 run:
db.adminCommand( { setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: "3.6" } )
Then quit()
to exit
Uninstall Procedure
The following procedure may be used to remove the MongoDB service. This procedure will leave the database files in place. It only removes the service
- Locate the MongoDB database service in Windows services and stop it:
net stop SoftwareIDM.IdentityPanelDB
- Delete the service:
sc delete SoftwareIDM.IdentityPanelDB
- Optional: Remove MongoDB binaries (if binaries are removed, make a note of which version is installed as this is necessary to upgrade database files to run with a newer version)
- Open add remove programs and Uninstall MongoDB
- Open add remove programs and Uninstall MongoDB
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