Identity Panel has a set of modules that together constitute MIM ALM Suite (Application Lifecycle Management). One of the key pieces of this solution is the Test and Recovery package.
The Test and Recovery package is actually two separate licensed entities that apply to a similar set of product capabilities. In production it runs as Recovery Panel and meets ALM requirements for continuous integration, release management, and software maintenance. In Development and Test it covers requirements management, software testing, and change management.
The functionality of Recovery Panel and MIM Test are sufficiently similar that most documentation is SKU agnostic. The following sections describe the key functionality that make up each, as well as what is omitted from the licensed usage.
Recovery Panel
Recovery panel uses Identity Panel data, either individual objects fed from Time Traveler, or bulk objects fed by reporting, to restore and/or rollback production data. Recovery Panel supports the following operations:
- Export updates from Time Traveler
- Iterate over a report (often a point-in-time report) and perform actions for each row
- Iterate over a SQL table or Delimited file and perform updates for each row
- Single object and Bulk updates of:
- MIM Portal
- AD and other LDAP directories
- SQL tables
- Delimited files
Recovery panel may be used for rolling-back or restoring data, as well as for performing operational bulk updates. It is also possible to definite re-usable bulk updates for regular maintenance or break-fix operations.
MIM Test
MIM Test runs in development and test environments. It can be used to capture business requirements, test them, and report on results. MIM Test supports the following operations:
- Capture business requirements
- Report on test coverage
- Run Functional, Unit, and Integration tests
- Run regression tests
- Match business requirements to cases and report on coverage
- Manipulate data for MIM to sync, run schedules, and check results
- Reset environments to re-run cases
Both Recovery Panel and MIM Test use the following core components:
Test Case – A test case is a special case of an Identity Panel schedule. It runs a sequence of steps to do things like modify data, synchronize MIM, and check results. Test cases may be grouped into suites of related functionality.
Provider – A library implementing read/write functionality to a connected system such as AD, MIM Portal, or Oracle DB
The following articles describe how to configure and use Recovery Panel and MIM Test
- Fixtures and Assertions
- Working with Providers
- Designing a Test Case
- Install and Configure MIM Test
- Reporting on Test Coverage
- Included Providers
- AD Provider
- Portal Provider
- SQL Provider
- Delimited File Provider
- Sync Provider
- Report Provider
- Load Provider
- Lotus Provider
- Exporting from Time Traveler
- Working with Memos
- Custom Functions
- Versioning and Managing Cases
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